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  • Kolugljufur (Kolugljúfur – Isl. Koli Canyon) is a canyon in the Víðidalsá River – one of Iceland’s most important salmon rivers, running through the Víðidalur Valley (up to 1,200 salmon are caught here annually). The canyon is about a kilometer long and 40-50 meters deep and is a “stone’s throw” away from the main road #1.

    According to legend, the canyon was dug by a troll woman named Kola. On a nearby hill is said to be her tomb, where naturally her treasure is also hidden. The treasure, however – as is usual in Icelandic legends – cannot be found, because the whole area is protected by Kola’s spells….

    The gorge is very narrow in places and there are several really nice, though rather small waterfalls. The largest, of course, is the Kolufoss located right next to the bridge over the river and two convenient parking lots. The view is really very nice, and with a little courage you can also descend to the foot of the waterfall and almost to the bottom of the canyon. Compared to Iceland’s largest and most famous waterfalls and canyons, this one is rather intimate, though no less charming. If you’re taking road #1 in the northwestern part of the island, near Víðidalstunga, it’s worth taking a little detour to see Kolugljúfur and Kolufoss.

    How to get to Kolugljúfur

    he canyon cannot be seen from the road, but there is a parking lot just off the main road. You will find the bridge just a few steps away.

    Kolugljúfur is located in the Viðidalur valley, south of road #1, between Húnavatnshreppur to the east and Laugarbakki to the west.
    When driving along the bypass road, stay alert and don’t miss the turn south onto Road #715. At the point where the road bends sharply at the gate of the valley, take the smaller road up the valley to the southeast (the road to the waterfall is already indicated by directional signs).

    Photos of Kolugljúfur

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