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  • Faxi is a wide, calm waterfall. It’s pretty on its own, but it doesn’t stand up to competition at the level of Iceland.

    Faxi – an small waterfall, for a fee

    Faxi is a waterfall situated in a picturesque and peaceful landscape. It is only 80 meters wide and a maximum of 7 meters high. It flows into the Tungufljót River. The surrounding landscape, as well as the waterfall itself, are of course nice, this Faxi is neither one of the particularly large, nor somehow exceptionally shaped. Rather, it is intimate and simple, and compared to the nearby Gullfoss, downright microscopic.

    Faxi waterfall was located somewhere else, it could certainly be a local attraction. In Iceland, however, it is completely lost in the crowd…

    In my opinion, the main advantage of Faxi waterfall, is that a café and restaurant were built right above it. If there is no crowd of tourists, it is a quiet place, separated from the noise of roads and cities, even romantic. The waterfall indeed looks very nice from the terrace of this cafe and accompanies coffee or lunch with a pleasant hum. Unfortunately, there is a fee to access it, as the waterfall lies on private property. What’s more, the fee doesn’t ensure privacy at all, as the owners of the restaurant seem to be able to get along well with tour operators and the nearby parking lot is often full not only of cars, but even coaches. And even the nicest place after the arrival of several tourist coaches quickly loses its romantic magnetism….

    you’re looking for a quiet place for coffee or lunch, and upon entering the parking lot you find it rather empty, by all means stop here. A coffee break on a terrace overlooking the waterfall can be a very nice break on a day of exploring the Golden Circle. On the other hand, if the parking lot is even half-full (it’s a large parking lot) you’d best avoid this place. You won’t lose much anyway.

    Faxi – tips and practical information

    • The waterfall is accessible all year round.
    • There is a public parking lot next to the waterfall. Nearby, on the Tungufljot River, there is also a campground open from May 15 to September 30.
    • There is a campground nearby.
    • At Faxi there is a restaurant with local dishes and a view of the waterfall.
    • Parking is paid, and it is impossible to see the waterfall or enter the restaurant without doing so.
    • Faxi is marked on some maps as Vatnsleysufoss. Some maps indicate its location inaccurately a few kilometers further upstream. When traveling in the area, it is worth being aware of this.
    • Faxi is located between Roads 35 and 358 (exit to the parking lot from Road 35), about halfway from Geysir to the town of Reykholt.
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